Walk For Health
November 26, 2018
I’ve recently discovered a simple way to get more active and lose some weight without over-extending myself!
An often-overlooked form of exercise, walking can help you develop endurance, incinerate excess fat, and make your heart stronger.
It’s a lifestyle workout. You can actually incorporate it into your daily routine. Walking to work or school, up the stairs, or at the mall.
You don't even have to walk for more than 30 minutes! At the very least, a 10-minute walk daily can result in a number of health benefits. In fact, walking for 21 minutes a day can cut your risk of heart disease by 30%.
Sounds good? Absolutely!
But before you actually begin—
Make sure you’re wearing comfortable shoes. Consider trainers, running shoes, or sneakers that ensure appropriate support for your feet and ones that protect them from blisters.
Walking to work? Wear your walking shoes with your usual work clothes! That can actually look cool, in my opinion.
If you’re planning to go on a long walk, don’t forget to bring some water (and maybe suntan!) with you!
How fast should I be walking?
On the average, a person walks at a speed of around 2.5 miles per hour (20 minutes per mile). If you want to lose weight, try increasing that speed to about 3.5 miles per hour (15 minutes per mile). You can increase your pace to 4 miles per hour to burn more calories.
What other health benefits are there?
We’ve already talked about some of the health benefits of walking. But there’s more.
Taking a walk can improve your mood. It helps relieve everyday stresses and increases mood-uplifting endorphins. Walking clears the mind and may even allow you to find a resolution to a problem that has been bothering you.
If you go walking with your family, it can be an activity that enhances your communication and improve relationships. It can also be a great way to meet and connect with new people.
Some more tips?
The best way to keep fit while walking is to make it a habit. Think of more ways to integrate it into your daily routine. Walking instead of taking the car on short rides, walking your kids to school, walking rather than taking the bus.
Keep things interesting and keep yourself motivated by listening to your favorite songs. Music can take your mind off the exertion, allows you to get into the rhythm, and even prods you into walking faster!
Finally, take advantage of technology. There are so many apps you can download on your phone that will help you optimize walking as a healthful activity.
Most important of all, have fun doing it! You’re more likely to make walking into a habit if you enjoy it!
So walk, walk, walk! It’s an amazing way to keep fit.
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